Out in the weird and wonderful hinterland that is the
world-wide-web there is a blog piece entitled ‘Did something go wrong in the
1960s?’, the content of which is not entirely relevant to the theme of this
article, however, attached to it in the form of an ‘anonymous’ comment is the
following remark….
Anonymous said...The police and authorities knew already in the early 60's that drugs would be a major problem in the near future. They were preparing for it, but it went wrong somewhere, they weren't able to stem the tide.
I think drugs played a major role in the demise of the disciplined and ordered society I grew up in. Prior to this the only problem was the abject poverty, creating problems that should never had existed.
The liners and the new airliners were now allowing much increased travel and more drugs were flooding into the country.
I used to model for Harley Street specialists training med-students at this time, starting in '58 as a 12 year-old. The police, led by top-cops Joe Simpson and Shirley Becke, used to supply Profs Emanuel Miller and Richard Asher with the drugs they wanted to study, and used me as a guinea-pig! There would be several off-duty coppers present to see the result and work out how to deal with an acid-head.
But the real problem was trying to stop the influx of drugs. I'm guessing here, but the blacks flooding into Britain were finding work hard to find (and not because of colour, there WASN'T any work, half my classmates had no jobs after school in '62) and wrote home to relatives and started-up networks to import drugs and make a living selling that.
The kids growing-up in post-war Britain, who had a job, had other values than their forbears and wanted a fun time, the 'swinging-60's' got going, the consumer society, and family-life suffered.
Without the drugs things might have been better.
'Big' Joe Simpson, head of the MET, suddenly died in the mid-60's, I believe (we had emigrated). He was always a front-line man, on the line with his officers out on the streets, especially if some hard-stuff was on the cards, plus all the paperwork and reports, and thus often worked 18 hour days. A heart attack in waiting.
Maybe that made the difference. Had he lived....
Now, it is fair to say I am not the first to have been
struck by the significance of the above statement as the erstwhile Dr T has
also picked up upon it, nevertheless, I felt it worthy of further examination.
Whether or not our anonymous friend is alluding to a
Tavistock style black-op drug programme is unclear, he (I am assuming his
gender here) is, however, certainly alluding to the existence of a high-level
programme of drug experimentation, and one that was being sanctioned by some
very senior cops to boot. Assuming there
is a degree of truth to this comment then I have to wonder, if this was a government
sponsored programme, why the Doctors would need to obtain their experimental pharmaceuticals
from the police? Plausible deniability being the only feasible explanation I
can arrive at.
What, perhaps you are asking, has any of this to do with our
dear friends the Beatles? Well, firstly, because of the old mop tops
involvement in the promotion of both the burgeoning marijuana and LSD scenes in
London at the time. McCartney, lest we forget, took it upon himself to
publically out the fabs and their acid predilections despite the fact that he rarely,
if ever, took the stuff. Not to mention the “fact” that he had been
“introduced” to the substance by his pal Tara Browne who subsequently shuffled
off this mortal coil whilst “possibly” under the influence and failed to notice
that the lights had changed.
As a means of distraction at this point, I feel I should
apologise for my continued use of quotation marks. It is just that it is so difficult to discern
the truth from the fiction in Beatle lore, particularly if we are reliant on
the recollections of he who may have been replaced and / or his publicist Mr
Anyway, the second point is the possible Tavistock link, and
the third is the naming of the good doctor, Richard Asher. He who could have been a Beatle father-in-law
if fate and a certain Miss Eastman hadn’t of intervened.
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Dr Richard Asher |
Journalistic integrity compels me to point out at this stage that the only connection to the Beatles and the shadowy Tavistock Institute comes from the writings of Dr John Coleman and his ‘Aquarian Conspiracy’ which implies that the Beatles were a creation of Tavistock, that all their music was ghost-written for them by Theo Adorno and that the sole purpose of their being was to corrupt the values of America.
This is a theory that I struggle with. It is not as if the
Beatles were created a matter of weeks, or months, prior to their arrival on
American soil. They had served a long apprenticeship whilst honing their
musical skills and I don’t believe it is remotely feasible that every aspect of
the Beatle career trajectory can be stage managed as is suggested.
Fair enough, I believe, are the allegations that Ed Sullivan’s
staff had bussed in the waiting throng of screaming schoolgirls that greeted
the Beatles upon their arrival in New York, but that is world away from the
media construction that is alleged. Besides which, if the Beatles were entirely
a Tavistock construct, then something went very wrong with the programming once
the Beatles, John in particular, started espousing the peace and love agenda.
However, was that really his cause or was he just a puppet
mouth-piece for the great hippy delusion and is it that which the Beatles were
induced to promote? After all, in Lennon, we have a guy who had earlier in the
same decade hit his wife, abandoned his son, regularly mocked the disabled and who
had delighted in pissing on nuns from great heights. Then he meets Yoko and from here on we have a
new man. One who refuses to leave her side, who adopts her beliefs and causes,
who becomes politicised and indoctrinated and one who abandons the lad culture
of his youth in favour of becoming a sandal wearing, bag-inhabiting, peace and
love chanting, macrobiotic rice munching long-hair guru.
Noble as these ‘war is over’ sentiments may be they are
unbelievably naïve; this is a conversion on the scale of the apostle Paul. One
might argue that Lennon had been brainwashed, one may also argue that Yoko had
been assigned as his handler and one may further argue that he was being
spoon-fed, empty, meaningless slogans and bullshit philosophies by the Indica
crowd precisely because they were simple to destroy whilst, undoubtedly,
casting him in the light of the leftist, pacifist, drug abusing, foreign troublemaker
that America so despised.
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Indeed, even the story concerning his introduction to Yoko –
the Japanese establishment former mental hospital patient – appears to be a
carefully constructed media conspiracy. Supposedly taking place on November 9,
1966, the PID catalyst date of course, it most likely occurred prior to this
and possibly in the presence of Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Certainly it
happened at the Indica gallery and was specifically timed to coincide with a
time when the ‘avant-garde’ art-loving Beatle, McCartney, was out of the
country doing God alone knows what. However, it is certainly prescient to note
how significant a date November 9 is in German history.
Could it be that, rather than being created by Tavistock,
the Beatles were allowed to succeed in America specifically so that the CIA could
perpetrate its hippy experimentation? The Beatles were not created, therefore,
but, the hippy movement was; specifically in order that when it spectacularly
crashed and burned post Manson, as it was always intended to do, the CIA, and
the U.S. government, could turn around and say ‘See what happens with these
God-damned lefties? Peace and love? They’re all killers and rapists and junkies
and what you all really need is more rules and more laws and more governance.’
Classic right-wing propaganda straight from the Nazi school of population
So, can we establish any of this? Well if this were a court
of law then undoubtedly no, however, as this is the online court of the
internet then I intend to submit various forms of ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’ and
ultimately I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to form and decide your own
We need a starting point, and, whilst we could stop off in the
Georgian, Elizabethan or even post Crusade eras, I will opt to start with 1947.
“It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band
to play…” are the immortal opening lines to the Beatles magnus opus Sgt. Peppers
Lonely Hearts Club Band LP, which was, as I am sure you are all aware, recorded
and released in 1967, twenty years prior to 1947.
Since when the general consensus has been that this line
refers to the arch occultist and self-styled ‘wickedest man in the world’
Aleister Crowley, due largely to Crowley’s prominent appearance amongst the
cast of ‘people we like’ on the front cover, allied to the fact that Crowley
died in 1947.
In fact many prominent PIDers will pronounce that the album
was released virtually twenty years to the day of his death. This, of course,
is nonsense. The album was released in June 1967 a full six months before the
Crowley death day anniversary of December 1.
So, whilst it remains quite possible that the opening line
was a tribute to Crowley, could it be that Macca and the boys were referring to
something else? Well, as it turns out, 1947 was quite an eventful year.
January 15 1947 -
Elizabeth Short, an aspiring actress nicknamed the "Black Dahlia", is
found brutally murdered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. The case remains
unsolved to this day.
March - Wernher
von Braun marries his first cousin, the 18-year-old Maria von Quirstorp
April – Previous
discovery of the 'Dead Sea scrolls' in the Qumran Caves (above the northwest
shore of the Dead Sea) by Bedouin shepherds, becomes known
May - The Cold
War begins
June 24 – Kenneth
Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting near Mount Rainier,
July 8 – A
supposedly downed extra-terrestrial spacecraft is reportedly found in the
Roswell UFO incident, near Roswell, New Mexico, which was written about by
Stanton T. Friedman.
July 26 – Cold
War: U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947
into law, creating the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defence,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council.
October 14 – The
United States Air Force test pilot, Captain Chuck Yeager, flies a Bell X-1
rocket plane faster than the speed of sound, the first time it has been
November 29 – The
United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine between Arab and
Jewish regions, which results in the creation of the State of Israel.
December 1 –
Aleister Crowley dies.
See, told you it was an eventful year! A vicious, possibly ritualistic
murder with distinct Hollywood connections, the conception of the demonization
of America’s latest enemy, the beginnings of the UFO myth and the birth of the
CIA, based, let us not forget, on the old Nazi S.S. model. Oh, and Wernher von
Braun got married.
Who he, I feel you asking? Well Wernher von Braun was a
German rocket engineer – the German equivalent of Crowley’s OTO buddy and
Moonchild conceiver Jack Parsons – who designed and built the V1 and V2 Nazi
rockets that rained down on Britain during WWII and who subsequently took his
expertise – and Nazi ethos – to the U.S. and NASA – and ultimately the moon - via
the hugely ethically questionable Project Paperclip.
It is very interesting, to me at any rate, that old Wernher,
toward the end of his life, when he had been pensioned off by NASA to Fairchild
Industries in 1974, admitted to his colleague Dr Carol Rosin that the American
strategy for justifying its on-going New World Order policy was to employ scare
tactics. “First the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. Then
terrorists would be identified, and then we will identify third-world country
‘crazies’, the next enemy will be asteroids, and remember Carol, the last card
is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against
aliens and all of it is a lie."
Looking back from 2014 we can see that all of that has come
to pass, and, that the seeds were sown in 1947. The year the Cold War starts
and the Russians become American enemy number one. Post 9/11 and we all know
about the demonization of terrorists, and yet, 1947 is the year the Palestine
is partitioned which well and truly pisses off the Arab nations. Afghanistan,
Iraq, Libya in recent years, Vietnam, Cuba, Iran in the past, all examples of
exactly the kind of developing nation ‘crazies’ that Wernher refers to and that
America has meddled in. No asteroid strikes yet, but, we did have Reagan’s SDI
– Star Wars initiative, and, finally, good old aliens. A phenomena truly begun
by the Nazi created Foo-Fighters during the war but effectively brought into
the public domain by Kenneth Arnold and Roswell in 1947.
Time for a quick précis me thinks. It would appear that,
post-war, America and Germany entered into a pact, whereby top German secrets
would be shared with the Americans so long as the Nazi’s were protected and
that Nazi ideology become embedded into American dogma. Wernher von Braun and
legions of other Nazi ‘scientists’ were welcomed to come and live and work in
the United States which, in turn, allowed the U.S. to win the space race, but,
at the expense of the American dream.
Could it be that the Bavarian Illuminati felt that the Atlantean
utopia devised by Francis Bacon and enacted by the Scottish Rite Freemason founding
fathers had left America a bit too pink and fluffy and that it needed an
injection of Nazi steel to restore its New World Order model? Certainly the Skull and Bonesmen with Nazi connections would prosper in this new regime!
Anyway, the end result was that America benefitted from
top-secret and highly experimental Nazi developed technology which, in turn, gave
them enormous aviation advantages which allowed for the creation of saucer
shaped craft, – or UFO’s as we now know them - stealth technology and alternate
power sources. The knowledge of all of which has been supressed from the
American people, and, in turn, the global populace. The planets reliance on
fossil fuels could also have been ended were it not for the inconvenient truth
that the New World Order mob are utterly reliant on its continued revenue streams
and will not stop until the Earth is sucked dry. Anyone for fracking?
It staggers me that we all buy the ‘alien spacecraft’ lie,
however, we have all been utterly brainwashed into its acceptance and it is a perfect example of the mass brainwashing experiments that the U.S. and other global governments have perpetrated on their citizens. Yes,
thousands of people report sighting strange craft in the skies. Yes, these
craft all perform seemingly impossible manoeuvres and, yes, they all move at
incredible speeds; ergo they must be from another planet.
Wrong. These craft are terrestrial and have been flying for
decades. How long were stealth-aircraft kept under wraps? Answer; until it
suited the U.S. military to reveal their existence.
Remember those old tales about how the U.S. government had
sponsored Steven Spielberg to make ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ and ‘E.T.’
to prepare the world for the revelation of mankind’s contact with an extra-terrestrial
civilisation? Well, that never panned out, so, more likely they were just
perpetuating the alien myth so that whenever we saw something strange in the
night sky we automatically assumed it was a little green man and not the USAF.
What about alien abductions I demand you ask? Well, never
having been on the receiving end of an alien anal probing myself, I must admit
to some guesswork here, but, my response would be eugenics: the movement
devoted to “improving” the human species through the control of hereditary
factors in mating.
Unsurprisingly, the history of which can be traced back to
those two hotbeds of ‘illumination’, England and Germany. Not an obvious
partnership you may feel, however, there are long standing links through
Rosicrucian organisations such as the Golden Dawn; whose most famous member, of
course, was Aleister Crowley.
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The Crawdaddy inteview in which Lennon espouses Crowley |
I shall quote now from this external source; The Tavistock
Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study the
“breaking point” of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became the
director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi Germany
was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and
multi-generational occultism.
Top SS Nazi officer
Heinrich Himmler, was in charge of a scientific project called Lebersborn,
which included selective breeding and adoption of children, a peculiarly large
number of twins among them. The purpose of the program was to create a
super-race (Aryans) who would have total allegiance to the cause of the Third
Reich(New World Order).
Much of the
preliminary experimentation concerning genetic engineering and behaviour
modification was conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, where he coldly
analysed the effects of trauma-bonding, eye-colouring and “twinning” upon his
Beside the insidious
surgical experimentation performed at the concentration camp, some of the
children were subjected to massive amounts of electroshock. Sadly, many of them
did not survive the brutality.
“brain-washing” was carried out on inmates at Dachau, who were placed under
hypnosis and given the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. During the war, parallel
behavioural research was led by Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University.
His involvement with the Army, CIA, FBI and other agencies remains shrouded in
secrecy. However, Estabrooks would
occasionally “slip” and discuss his work involving the creation of
hypno-programmed couriers and hypnotically-induced split personalities.
At this point I shall break away from the external quote to
add to this quote from Estabrooks taken his Wikipedia page: "During World War II, I worked this
technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. Under the watchful
eye of Marine intelligence I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B.
Jones A, once a 'normal' working Marine, became entirely different. He talked
communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist
cells, and was deliberately given a dishonourable discharge by the Corps (which
was in on the plot) and became a card-carrying party member. All I had to do
was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and
I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp." Now, call me a
bitter old cynic if you will, but does that not remind you of the back-story of
a certain Lee Harvey Oswald? Oh, and the conversion of John Lennon?
Anyway, to resume…
After WWII, the U.S.
Department of Defence secretly imported many of the top German Nazi and Italian
Fascist scientists and spies into the United States via South America and the
Vatican. The code name for this operation was Project PAPERCLIP. One of the
more prominent finds for the U.S. was German General Reinhard Gehlen. Hitler’s
Chief of Intelligence against Russia. Upon arriving in Washington D.C. in 1945,
Gehlen met extensively with President Truman, General William “Wild Bill”
Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Allen Dulles,
who would later become the stalwart head of the CIA. The objective of their
brain-storming sessions was to reorganize the nominal American intelligence
operation, transforming it into a highly-efficient covert organization. The culmination of their efforts produced the
Central Intelligence Group in 1946, renamed the Central Intelligence
Agency(CIA) in 1947.
Reinhard Gehlen also
had profound influence in helping to create the National Security Council, from
which the National Security Act of 1947 was derived. This particular piece of
legislation was implemented to protect an unconscionable number of illegal
government activities, including clandestine mind control programs.
The Evolution of Project MKULTRA
With the CIA and
National Security Council firmly established, the first in a series of covert
brain-washing programs was initiated by the Navy in the fall of 1947. Project
CHATTER was developed in response to the Soviet’s “successes” through the use of
“truth drugs.” This rationale; however, was simply a cover story if the program
were to be exposed. The research focused on the identification and testing of
such drugs for use in interrogations and the recruitment of agents. The project
was officially terminated in 1953.
The CIA decided to
expand their efforts in the area of behaviour modification, with the advent of
Project BLUEBIRD, approved by director Allen Dulles in 1950. Its objectives
were to; (1) discover a means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized
extraction of information from them by known means, (2) investigate the possibility of control of
an individual by application of special interrogation techniques, (3)
investigate memory enhancement and (4) establish defensive means for preventing
hostile control of agency personnel. In August 1951, Project BLUEBIRD was
renamed Project ARTICHOKE, which evaluated offensive uses of interrogation
techniques, including hypnosis and drugs. The program ceased in 1956. Three
years prior to the halt of Project ARTICHOKE, Project MKULTRA came into existence
on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by Richard Helms, Deputy Director of
Central Intelligence (DDCI) with the rationale of establishing a “special
funding mechanism of extreme sensitivity.”
The hypothetical
etymology of “MK” may possibly stand for “Mind Kontrolle.” The obvious
translation of the German word “Kontrolle” into English is “control.” A host of
German doctors, procured from the post war Nazi talent pool, were an invaluable
asset toward the development of MKULTRA. The correlation between the
concentration camp experiments and the numerous sub-projects of MKULTRA are
clearly evident. The various avenues used to control human behaviour under
MKULTRA included radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology,
anthropology, graphology, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and
materials “LSD” being the most widely dispensed “material”. A special
procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA
abroad. MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for harassment, discrediting or
disabling purposes. Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having
been identified, Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the
early 1960’s (although unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to be the
most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for “National Security”
reasons. MONARCH may have culminated from MKSEARCH subprojects, such as
operation SPELLBINDER, which was set up to create “sleeper” assassins (i e.
“Manchurian candidates”) who could be activated upon receiving a key word or
phrase while in a post-hypnotic trance. Operation OFTEN, a study which
attempted to harness the power of occultic forces was possibly one of several
cover programs to hide the insidious reality of Project MONARCH.
So, we have evidence that the CIA, a body created to be
modelled on the S.S., has been secretly performing mind-control experiments on
its population. We can also see that this has been supressed and that these
experiments were also modelled on earlier Nazi efforts. The Nazi’s, of course,
had access to an incarcerated population within their POW camps upon whom to
experiment. Could it be, therefore, that America devised ‘alien abductions’ in
order to provide the genetic material for their mind-control and eugenic programmes?
These same experiments would later be expanded upon to
create the LSD hippy movement of the Sixties and we know through the research
of people like Dave McGowan that a lot of the pop star perpetrators were the
children of military parents – such as Jim Morrison – and that this would spawn
the whole Laurel Canyon movement.
And hereupon we return to the Beatles; much has been made of
the Beatles connections to Manson and the Laurel Canyon brigade: that the
Beatles may have stayed at Cielo Drive, that their PR man Derek Taylor was a major
player in the Monterey Festival, possible connections to Roman Polanski, and
links to arch Crowley promoter and film-maker Kenneth Anger who was Bobby
Beausoleil’s lover etc.
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The Process magazine McCartney and Asher interview |
Certainly McCartney had some links with the Process Church
of the Final Judgement who, in turn, had links with Manson, Scientology and
possibly the Indica Art Gallery and Bookstore, run, of course, by Barry Miles,
John Dunbar and Peter Asher, son of Dr Richard Asher.
And here is how I magically tie all the loose threads
together. Remember the anonymous comment I quoted way back at the beginning?
Here is the pertinent part… I used to
model for Harley Street specialists training med-students at this time,
starting in '58 as a 12 year-old. The police, led by top-cops Joe Simpson and
Shirley Becke, used to supply Profs Emanuel Miller and Richard Asher with the
drugs they wanted to study, and used me as a guinea-pig!
There is, that I am aware of, no direct evidence that Asher
had any connections to Tavistock, however, this cannot be said about his
co-accused Emanuel Miller. A simple Google search for ‘Emanuel Miller
Tavistock’ will reveal that “Miller was a consultant to the Tavistock Clinic”.
Now the clinic and the institute are not necessarily the same thing, however,
it is good enough for me. They have also hosted, I should add, the annual Emanuel
Miller Memorial Lecture.
Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl
Jung and R.D. Laing.
Emanuel Miller was a military psychiatrist (there’s a
surprise!), and subsequently a paediatric psychiatrist, so the potential that
he was indeed performing drug-related experiments on children is a very real
Miller is also the father of the theatre and opera director,
actor, author, television presenter, humourist, sculptor and medical doctor, Sir
Jonathan Miller CBE, who, coincidentally in 1966, produced a BBC television version
of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ which starred Peter Sellers, Wilfrid Brambell (A Hard
Days Night) and Leo McKern (Help!) and which aired, to a very similar reaction,
almost a year prior to the Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’. Oh, and the Millers
lived in St. John’s Wood!
Regular readers of this blog will note that I am partial to
a good piece of Beatle related synchronicity, so it delights me to inform you
that Richard Asher married Margaret Eliot at St. Pancras church in London in 1943,
which is where the Beatles were photographed, twenty five years later, in 1968
as part of the ‘mad day out’ session!
Dr Richard Asher was regarded as "one of the foremost
medical thinkers of our times" and was the senior physician responsible
for the mental observation ward at the Central Middlesex Hospital before
opening private consulting rooms at the Asher family home of 57 Wimpole Street,
London. This, famously, is where Paul McCartney lived from 1964-1966 during his
relationship with Dr Asher’s daughter, Jane.
Curiously, in 1964, Dr Asher suddenly gave up his hospital
post and, possibly, all medical activities, just as the famous Beatle moved in.
Could it be that he had a full-time
patient to tend too?
One story of the time, according to the Beatles bible website,
relates that… Dr Asher loved to shock his
family. Once, when Paul had a bad cold, Dr Asher wrote him a prescription for a
nasal inhaler and showed him how to use it. “You take off the top and place it
on your little finger, like so.” He demonstrated. “Then you take a sniff with
each nostril as per normal; then, after you've finished with it, you can
unscrew the bottom and eat the Benzedrine.” Peter shuffled his feet nervously
and Paul grinned, not knowing how much he could confide in the good doctor.
When we consider this and the fact that Dr Asher was a
member of the Dunlop committee on the safety of drugs the possibility that he
was involved with Miller in Tavistock drug experiments does appear to loom
McCartney ‘met’ Jane Asher in 1963, prior to the Beatles
arrival in the U.S., so it is certainly a possibility that McCartney was a
patsy before they ever set foot on American soil.
Indeed, I have in the past speculated that Dr Asher may have
been involved in using some sort of sleep-therapy to implant the tune of
‘Yesterday’ into McCartney’s mind. McCartney famously claims that the tune came
to him in a dream, fully formed’ and that he just wrote it down when he awoke.
Add to this the fact that Mrs Asher was a music teacher and musician who was a
professor of oboe at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where her best
known student was Beatle producer, George Martin, and this notion becomes far
less fanciful.
As previously noted, the Tavistock Institute of Human
Relations was created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for
International affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and has
been described as the nerve centre for the "global manipulation of human
Not long after Tavistock was set up it became the core of
Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on
British soldiers, which, given Dr Emanuel Miller’s history as a military
psychiatrist is extremely interesting.
So, could the anonymous comment we began with have more than
a veneer of truth? Is this evidence of a British version of MK Ultra and could
it be that Paul McCartney was a participant? It would appear so, especially as
the other two names mentioned; Shirley Becke – being the top female cop of her
generation – and Joseph Simpson – then head of the Metropolitan Police Force of
London, are both also legitimate.
Indeed, Joseph Simpson’s career seems to have been heavily
intertwined with the high profile case of Lord Boothby and the Kray twins.
Again, regular readers will know of my assertions concerning the Krays and the
As a foot note Joseph Simpson died in 1968, Dr Asher in 1969
– who conveniently committed suicide in his cellar – and Dr Miller in 1970.
Could it be they had outlived their usefulness?
Could it be that the Beatles really were, wittingly or not,
part of a deliberate ploy to pursue a generational LSD experiment with a
generation? The plot certainly thickens!
At the time of writing this article I was reading the book Creation Stories, Alan McGee's autobiography: Alan McGee was the owner of the great independent record label Creation, which, spawned some of my all time favourite bands such as Primal Scream, Teenage Fanclub, Ride and Oasis. Anyway, as with the all the great synchronicities, as soon as I published this article I read the following extract.
...I was in Santa Monica, recording drums with Gary Powell of the Libertines for the second Dirty Pretty Things album. We came out, met the producer Nik Leman and were going towards one of those typical brilliant American restaurants, chicken and chips, portions the size of a table. Then something extraordinary happened, soemthing paranormal - and at the time I was the most unspiritual human being you could come across.
Suddenly, the electrical wire above us started crackling and feeding back, and the street lights started flickering on and off, and we all backed off, worried we might be about to be electrocuted. Then the light went off completely.
It was silent, apart from the noise of crickets. Eerie. Area 51 is only up the road in Nevada. And across the sky, the fastest thing I've ever seen in my life traversed from the furthest left point of the horizon to the furthest right. faster than any plane, much faster. This was going at three or four thousand miles an hour. A ball of light, about 12,000 feet up. It was compeletely silent...
...Now, I'm not saying it was aliens, more likely American military - some kind of secret weapon. Secret technology. But it couldn't have been powered by any natural fuel. That was the weird thing, the feedback on the street lights. It was 9 p.m. at night, and dark...
...Nevertheless, I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen, and reading up on the subjectI quickly became obsessed with deep underground military bases. From finding about this, I was led to Robert Anton Wilson and from there to Aleister Crowley, and then to Austin Osman Spare, and to automatic writing and to the chaos magicians. It's a reversal of energy. I've been studying it for five years. I'm obsessed by it. It's good fun.
I know my readers are now thinking, this guy is genuinely off his rocker, but I'm willing to risk them thinking that. Geopolitics and metaphysics are very connected. What they call magic one year is science the next year.
Aleister Crowley is one of my heroes. His influence is monumental. he changed society. Who do you think Sergeant Pepper was? That was Aleister Crowley. Crowley died in 1947, Sergeant Pepper came out in 1967. Twenty years ago today, who taught the band to play? The Beatles will never admit it, but he's on Sergeant Pepper twice. I suspect McCartney's obsessed by him - he just denies it so people don't think he's mad. I'm willing to risk it....
At the time of writing this article I was reading the book Creation Stories, Alan McGee's autobiography: Alan McGee was the owner of the great independent record label Creation, which, spawned some of my all time favourite bands such as Primal Scream, Teenage Fanclub, Ride and Oasis. Anyway, as with the all the great synchronicities, as soon as I published this article I read the following extract.
...I was in Santa Monica, recording drums with Gary Powell of the Libertines for the second Dirty Pretty Things album. We came out, met the producer Nik Leman and were going towards one of those typical brilliant American restaurants, chicken and chips, portions the size of a table. Then something extraordinary happened, soemthing paranormal - and at the time I was the most unspiritual human being you could come across.
Suddenly, the electrical wire above us started crackling and feeding back, and the street lights started flickering on and off, and we all backed off, worried we might be about to be electrocuted. Then the light went off completely.
It was silent, apart from the noise of crickets. Eerie. Area 51 is only up the road in Nevada. And across the sky, the fastest thing I've ever seen in my life traversed from the furthest left point of the horizon to the furthest right. faster than any plane, much faster. This was going at three or four thousand miles an hour. A ball of light, about 12,000 feet up. It was compeletely silent...
...Now, I'm not saying it was aliens, more likely American military - some kind of secret weapon. Secret technology. But it couldn't have been powered by any natural fuel. That was the weird thing, the feedback on the street lights. It was 9 p.m. at night, and dark...
...Nevertheless, I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen, and reading up on the subjectI quickly became obsessed with deep underground military bases. From finding about this, I was led to Robert Anton Wilson and from there to Aleister Crowley, and then to Austin Osman Spare, and to automatic writing and to the chaos magicians. It's a reversal of energy. I've been studying it for five years. I'm obsessed by it. It's good fun.
I know my readers are now thinking, this guy is genuinely off his rocker, but I'm willing to risk them thinking that. Geopolitics and metaphysics are very connected. What they call magic one year is science the next year.
Aleister Crowley is one of my heroes. His influence is monumental. he changed society. Who do you think Sergeant Pepper was? That was Aleister Crowley. Crowley died in 1947, Sergeant Pepper came out in 1967. Twenty years ago today, who taught the band to play? The Beatles will never admit it, but he's on Sergeant Pepper twice. I suspect McCartney's obsessed by him - he just denies it so people don't think he's mad. I'm willing to risk it....
This was the best of the articles on this blog. There's no difference between the extreme right and the extreme left. They're both constructs of the ruling class. That the Beatles could have been MKULTRA subjects is certainly borne out by today's "artists". In fact the entire MSM appears mind controlled.