Wednesday 30 November 2016

Who is this now?

Just a short post to recommend an excellent new movie on YouTube entitled 'Who Is This Now?'.

The movie is described by its maker thusly; 'Did Paul McCartney really die in a car crash on the night of Sept 11, 1966, or was it all just an elaborate hoax? A young man examines the clues in the albums, photos, and interviews to try and find an answer.'

It is a thorough examination of the entire Paul is Dead phenomena and a voyage of discovery for the protagonist - the film-maker Mitch Fillion - as he journeys through the myriad clues and myths that populate the post-truth utopia of the planet PID.

It is well worth a watch. 

Thursday 17 November 2016

Strange times

My attention was piqued very recently by show on Channel 4 (UK) entitled Kids on the Edge: The Gender Clinic. The show dealt with the large number of children being referred for treatment for an issue with Gender Identity.

What really caught my attention though was the destination of these referrals – namely the Tavistock and Portland NHS Trust, aka the state funded arm of the Tavistock Institute - and the vast increase in the numbers of these referrals; up from a mere 40 in 2006 to a staggering 1,400 currently.

So just what is behind this 35x rise? Could it be a reflection of the more enlightened age in which we live whereby people are less afraid of any stigma or associated negativity? That would be nice, but I suspect not.

If we factor in the Tavistock and Portman’s ‘Lifespan’ clinic for people who have been diagnosed with having an autism spectrum condition – another facet of life that has seen a huge recent increase in diagnoses – then I begin to suspect that these patients are guinea pigs that are being monitored for Tavistock created disorders and to assess how living with these conditions are changing the subjects brain functions.

Quite how these conditions are initially manifested is open to debate; perhaps something in the water, or the milk, or food additives or infant inoculations; who knows? But that there seems to be little debate about what is causing this explosion in cases is beyond doubt.

Perhaps it is just a symptom of the modern world and a move toward a more fluid appraisal of gender stereotypes and that we should just accept it as such without questioning its genesis?

Perhaps this strange malaise may also go some way to explaining recent political upheavals? Whilst Brexit was a clear kick-in-the-balls to the political classes (albeit one with worryingly xenophobic tendencies) the anointing of President-elect Trump is harder at first to understand. The elevation of the über Capitalist to the role of protector-of-the-working-classes seems alarmingly counter intuitive; it is like summoning Lex Luthor to protect us from Superman. Still in this world of post-truth it matters not so long as old Lex tells us what we want to hear. I have no axe to grind on this subject and I can, to an extent, understand his allure as an outsider and straight-talker. I predict, however, that the rich will still get richer.

Amidst these strange times I am reminded of this quote from Aldous Huxley to a conference of Tavistockians back in the day:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

Aldous – a leading member of the Pepperati – was, lest we forget, a major proponent of the one-world-government school of mass-population-control and his words do seem alarmingly prophetic. Indeed, if old Nostradamus had written one of his famously opaque quatrain’s with a fraction of Huxley’s accuracy then Facebook’s algorithms’ would have had to have been sedated and carted off to the asylum. Except the asylum would have been run by Tavistock and would have greeted the algorithm with the words “Ah, Mr Bond, we've been expecting you.”

Pepper era Tavistockian Aldous Huxley
So it appears Tavistock have moved on from their flower-power aims of inducing a global cultural revolution by turning people on to LSD to creating genetic disorders; presumably with the end-game of creating a new, improved, but yet more pliable, human-being.

Which begs the question: Were the pantheon of ‘people we admire’ on the Pepper cover really the Beatles’ heroes or a warning from the past about our future?